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About Us

In 2016, HiJiffy was founded with the mission of developing the most advanced conversational AI for hospitality. Seeking the perfect connection between hotels and their guests, we created a powerful Guest Communications Hub.

Dsc04959 about

We are passionate about travelling and innovation

Jose hq 2023 about

José Mendonça

CTO at HiJiffy

Pedrohq 2024 about

Pedro Gonçalves

COO at HiJiffy

Tiagohq 2024 about

Tiago Araújo

CEO at HiJiffy

Today, 2,100+ hotels worldwide use HiJiffy's AI-powered solutions

We’re a HotelTechReport finalist in the Hotel Chatbot category, and our customer support has been awarded Level III certification.

Our Guest Communications Hub empowers hotels in over 50 countries around the globe.

Hijiffy worldwide about

The HiJiffy Team

We are an international team of enthusiastic people working to create innovative solutions with a positive impact on the hospitality industry. With headquarters in Vidigueira and an office in Lisbon, our remote team lives in Portugal, Spain, France, Germany and the UK. We work together to seek growth on a global scale and build long-lasting relationships.

Meet the team

HiJiffy in the media

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HiJiffy has received multiple awards over the years, including recognition from UNWTO as the Most Innovate Solution in Tourism.

Want to be part of our team?

We are looking for talent. Check our careers page for openings.