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HUB Buildings integration with HiJiffy

The powerful operational management system HUB Buildings joins forces with the most innovative communication platform for hotels, HiJiffy, to enhance the guest experience and support hotel staff with their duties.

In this new world of contactless technology, guests still want to feel welcomed, acknowledged and most importantly, safe. New challenges are constantly appearing across different hotel departments, bringing an urgent need for solutions such as HUB and HiJiffy, to provide a seamless and contactless guest communication with the hotel, many of the operational processes are fully automated, delivering a higher quality service, one that is proved to be exceptionally difficult given the current climate.

HiJiffy provides an AI-powered Hotel Chatbot that can reply to clients’ inquiries and guests’ requests efficiently and in a matter of seconds, automated response rates by 80%. This is crucial as many hotels are understaffed and guests’ requests are becoming more and more complex.

Meanwhile, HUB Buildings offer hoteliers a strong tool to manage hotel operations the right way. Thanks to the different modules available such as housekeeping and maintenance, hotels can improve the efficiency of their daily operations, easier and faster. By reducing response times and successfully addressing clients’ requests, hotels are increasing their online reputation while significantly reducing the operational costs.


>See Also: See how can contactless check-in help hotels to boost guest satisfaction


How does it work?

Thanks to the partnership between HUB Buildings and HiJiffy, hotel guests can make a request at any time through HiJiffy’s virtual concierge. The requests can be made through various platforms, such as Whatsapp, and of course, such requests will be fully automated.

Hub buildings and hijiffy hub buildings integration with hijiffy

Through this integration, guest requests (be it cleaning, amenities/towels requests, or incidents such as a broken TV/lightbulb) are sent to HUB and automatically assigned to the corresponding department, reducing response times and improving significantly the guest experience.

Hub buildings integration with hijiffy hub buildings integration with hijiffy
How it looks like the request within HiJiffy Console

Once the request is completed, the guest is informed that the fault is fixed or that their amenities have been delivered.

Hub buildings integrates with hijiffy hub buildings integration with hijiffy
Request received within Hub Buildings dashboard

HiJiffy CEO, Tiago Araújo, said “HiJiffy and HUB Buildings working together enables hotels to improve their operations and enrich the guest experience. We’re super eager to develop additional features together, allowing hotels to be more and more digital and efficient”.

HUB Buildings CEO, Alex Ridaura, comments“The communication with HiJiffy will allow us to create automatic tasks, further streamlining hotel operations. I’m excited to be working alongside the HiJiffy team to find new features that allow us to increasingly improve our customers’ operations.”‍
