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Reservit integration

Reservit integration with HiJiffy

The integration of HiJiffy’s Guest Communication Hub with the Reservit booking engine allows hoteliers using both platforms to benefit from AI-powered automation for guest guidance during the booking process resulting in an increased number of direct bookings.

How does the integration between Reservit and HiJiffy work?

Powered by conversational AI, HiJiffy’s Guest Communications Hub can access the Reservit booking engine to retrieve hotel availability information based on guest preferences and display the results within the conversation. This seamless integration enables prospective guests to conveniently check real-time availability and make end-to-end reservations, encouraging them to book directly with the hotel instead of OTAs.

How to activate the integration?

HiJiffy’s current clients can contact their dedicated Customer Success representatives to activate the integration with Reservit.

If you are already using Reservit and are interested in HiJiffy’s Guest Communications Hub, schedule a demo with our team to explore how our solution can benefit your direct bookings, upselling, hotel operation and more.

About Reservit

Reservit is a reservation software specifically designed for professionals who want to increase their direct online bookings. The tool is also a channel manager, capable of managing more than 50 distributors simultaneously, enabling hoteliers to synchronise all their reservations in real time, without any overbooking.

Reservit is a comprehensive software solution that combines three main functions: a cloud-based PMS; an integrated booking engine for direct booking and payment on your e-commerce website; a channel manager to simultaneously manage all your distributors, rates, and room availability.