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Integration between Unifocus and HiJiffy

What does the Software offer?

  • Unifocus is a workforce management software solution specialised in hospitality which aims to increase operational efficiency.
  • Allows task scheduling and assignment, decreasing resolution time.

How does the Integration work?

Through the integration between HiJiffy and Unifocus, it is possible for the guests to request maintenance in an easy way:

  • On the chatbot, it is possible to put a button to request maintenance and, when the customer clicks, it is provided with a link to access a form. Once the form is filled-in and submitted, a notification is triggered to Unifocus which alerts the hotel staff.
  • Through Whatsapp, the guest can also make a request which will create a ticket on the console and trigger a warning to the staff.

Main Benefits for the Guest:

  • The guest can easily request a maintenance task on their accommodation or anywhere else in the hotel, directly on the hotel’s website or through whatsapp.
  • There isn’t the need to go to the reception in order to talk directly to the hotel staff.

Main Benefits for the Hotel:

  • Increase operational efficiency and guarantee all the requests centralization.
  • Guaranteed action on the request made by the guests, since the notification goes straight to their workforce management system.
  • Easily keep track of all the maintenance tasks performed on the peremisses asked by the customers.
  • Optimized guest satisfaction.