You can now access Expedia Group messages in the HiJiffy Console 🚀

March 5, 2025

Retrieve and manage all your Expedia Group traveller messages directly in HiJiffy’s Console

We are excited to announce a new partnership with Expedia Group that allows you to
streamline your Expedia Group traveller communications directly in HiJiffy’s Console, saving time and resources spent on managing conversations with your guests and allowing you to focus on delivering exceptional guest experience.

What’s new?

You will no longer need to log into Expedia Partner Central to manually manage traveller messages. With the new messaging capability, you can retrieve and manage all your guest communications in HiJiffy’s Console.

Hijiffy integrates with expedia group to enable easier management of messages.

Specifically, you can:

✔ Access the entire conversation history for a property
✔ Find individual messages or threads
✔ Send messages with attachments
✔ Stay responsive to your guests and deliver better guest experiences with real-time alerts for messages before, during, and after their stay.*

Click here to use the new Expedia Group messaging capability today.

* Messages become inactive and cannot be replied to three years after the message thread’s creation date or one year after the reservation checkout date.

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